Mozilla + SVG Status
A quick overview of the SVG 1.1 elements and the current status of the native support. Green is supported, orange is in progress, and red is not currently supported. Most of the unimplemented portions fall into three major modules: fonts, filters, and animation.
Implementation Notes
event does not respect externalResourcesRequired
attribute. (bug 277955)
object space gradients will be incorrect for container elements.
element implemented as an XBL binding - object is not of type
pan-and-zoom user interface not implemented
<svg:use> only works for internal document references (bug 269482), doesn't completely follow <svg:use> cascading rules (bug 265894), and doesn't deliver events to a SVGElementInstance tree (bug 265895).
<svg:image> only works for raster images (bug 272288).
<svg:clipPath> won't handle clip paths with have elements with different clip-rule properties or that reference other clipPaths. (bug 267224).
- SVGSVGElement
- Unimplemented attributes: contentScriptType, contentStyleType, viewport, useCurrentView, currentView
- Unimplemented bindings: pauseAnimations, unpauseAnimations, animationsPaused, getCurrentTime, setCurrentTime, getIntersectionList, getEnclosureList, checkIntersection, checkEnclosure, deselectAll, createSVGAngle, getElementById
- SVGPathElement
- Unimplemented attributes: pathLength, normalizedPathSegList, animatedPathSegList, animatedNormalizedPathSegList
- Unimplemented bindings: getTotalLength, getPointAtLength, getPathSegAtLength
- SVGTextElement
- Unimplemented attributes: dx, dy, rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust
- Unimplemented bindings: getNumberOfChars, getSubStringLength, getStartPositionOfChar, getEndPositionOfChar, getRotationOfChar, getCharNumAtPosition, selectSubString
- SVGTSpanElement
- Unimplemented attributes: dx, dy, rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust
- Unimplemented bindings: getNumberOfChars, getComputedTextLength, getSubStringLength, getStartPositionOfChar, getEndPositionOfChar, getExtentOfChar, getRotationOfChar, getCharNumAtPosition, selectSubString
- Group opacity not implemented.
- Text selection not implemented.
- Clipping not implemented.
- Can not be shipped as the SVG backend because changes are needed to the LGPL libart library, and all binary bits shipped by must be useable under the tri-license.
- Fully functional.
- Dashed curves show solid (not implemented in cairo yet)
- Font face/size has quirks.
- Text selection not implemented.
- Not yet in tree - Bug 214912